Soy Miguel Sbastida, os escribo porque creo que esto lo debe de saber todo el mundo.
Soy Miguel Sbastida, os escribo porque creo que esto lo debe de saber todo el mundo.
Me presenté hace escasos dias a la convocatoria Borderland - Hidden Identities & Forbidden Desires porque buscaban obras de videoarte-instalación-
(creo que todos deberíamos hacer spam y un poco de blackmail a gente como esta)
Video art category:
For works submitted by March 09, 2014
- 100 euro per selected video work, to take part in one exhibition
- 150 euro per selected video work, to take part in both exhibitions
For works submitted by March 16, 2014
- 150 euro per selected video work, to take part in one exhibition
- 200 euro per selected video work, to take part in both exhibitions
Photography and installation category:
For works submitted by March 09, 2014
- 100 euro per selected artwork
For works submitted by March 16, 2014
- 150 euro per selected artwork
No sabemos muy bien cual es la trayectoria de ArtExpo y su representante Luca Curci, pero parece que tienen cabreados a muchos artistas por todo el planeta. El año pasado publicamos una entrada sobre una expo de arte que organizaron: http://insultarte.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/internationalartexpo.html- 100 euro per selected video work, to take part in one exhibition
- 150 euro per selected video work, to take part in both exhibitions
For works submitted by March 16, 2014
- 150 euro per selected video work, to take part in one exhibition
- 200 euro per selected video work, to take part in both exhibitions
Photography and installation category:
For works submitted by March 09, 2014
- 100 euro per selected artwork
For works submitted by March 16, 2014
- 150 euro per selected artwork
Thanks for all your time,
Luca Curci
International ArtExpo
Aquí podéis leer otro testimonio con una interesante reflexión sobre la postura que tomar ante este tipo de ofertas, también trata de ArtExpo. Extracto:
Folks, seriously, don't pay for the right to be in a show, unless you are a watercolor artist teaching at a small town in the Midwest and need the show to make tenure. People LAUGH at you when you do this stuff. It is an embarrassment to have this stuff on your resume. There are about eighty billion "show opportunities" listed on the internet, most of them are free. Go apply to those.
Luca incluso tiene una página que algún "admirador" le dedicó : http://lucacurcithescammer.wordpress.com/tag/international-art-exp-scam/
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