extracto bases:
KulturKontakt Austria offers a three month
residency in Vienna. This includes a studio, accommodation, insurance, a
monthly grant as well as an exhibition of the work at the end of the
residency. Studios are available.
The participants for next year’s programme are selected at the beginning of September by an international jury.
To encourage young artists Henkel also awards the EUR 2,000 Young Artists’ Prize to one of the participants of KulturKontakt Austria’s Artist in Residence programme (for the fine arts and photography).
To encourage young artists Henkel also awards the EUR 2,000 Young Artists’ Prize to one of the participants of KulturKontakt Austria’s Artist in Residence programme (for the fine arts and photography).
Beca de tres meses en Viena para los artistas de Europa central, oriental y del sudeste, que incluye alojamiento, estudio, seguro, una asignación mensual de 1.000 € y la presentación de las obras del artista al final de su estancia (exposición) en Viena, también con opción a ganar un premio de 2.000€
Igualito que en España.